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Government Investigative Agencies Blog

Posts by admin

  1. Our Most Popular Blog Articles of 2019

    With the year coming to an end, it’s time to review some of the top blogs of the year.  The political climate has made this a tough year for public servants in general but especially for investigators. Our two most popular blogs were centered around keeping morale high.  There were several other popular topics, however,…

  2. The High Cost of Government Inefficiency

    In the world of government investigations, the biggest headlines always come from big-dollar or big-name corruption.  A corruption scandal can bring an obscure agency to the front pages of the news.  It’s often not a comfortable place to be for investigators accustomed to working under the radar, but it does help the public to remember…

  3. What Are the Benefits of Case Management Software?

    Case management is a large field, in part because the phrase is used in so many different industries.   Lawyers, nurses, and insurance agencies all have very different jobs, but they all manage cases.  As you’d expect, case management for each of these verticals require different skills, resources, and software.  (Our products serve government investigators –…

  4. Cybersecurity: 3 Fundamental Practices to Protect Your Agency

    One area that many government investigative offices evaluate is their agency’s use of technology.  In some cases, old technology slows the agency down, because it crashes or isn’t compatible with new software.  In some cases, agency technology is difficult to support because the hardware or software is antiquated, and it’s difficult to find suppliers or…

  5. The Limits of a Lagging Indicator

    One thing economists look at to determine economic strength is the unemployment rate.  It’s an excellent indicator of economic strength – when unemployment is high, it’s very difficult for the wider economy to overcome that fact and still deliver growth. Unfortunately, it’s a lagging indicator of economic strength.  It doesn’t predict where the economy is…

  6. The Growing Risk of Cybersecurity Threats

    While high-profile fraud prosecutions and abuse of power allegations provide investigative offices with news headlines and public awareness, they only represent a fraction of the work IG offices do.  Inspectors General offices in particular are often charged with identifying unacceptable levels of risk within agencies and providing recommendations on how to close those gaps.  Federal…

  7. Tell Agency Employees: Don’t Be an Accomplice!

    The best way to solicit tips is to build a culture that values integrity and employee contribution – a place where employees feel that an unethical person wouldn’t be accepted, and employees would be expected to report bad behavior to the appropriate resource for investigation.  Even in agencies with a great overall culture, however, not…

  8. Five Components of an Effective Performance Review

    Performance reviews can be time consuming and stressful, but they shouldn’t be useless. If a performance review has these five components, it is more likely to produce positive results.

  9. The Fraud Diamond and the Principle of Least Privilege

    Every day, hundreds of people commit fraud.  Despite this fact, most people will never commit fraud in their lifetimes.  One of the most important aspects of preventing fraud is separating the few who would commit fraud from the many who wouldn’t.  One way to do this is the fraud triangle, which was discussed in a…

  10. How Recruiting Challenges Increase Fraud, Waste and Abuse in Government

    The recruiting challenge faced by government agencies is a tremendous one.  A March study by the National Association of State Chief Administrators found that government job posting rose 11% from 2013 to 2017, while the number of people applying for state jobs declined by 25%.  There are plenty of reasons; it is difficult to attract…