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Government Investigative Agencies Blog

Category Archives: Infographics

  1. Five Components of an Effective Performance Review

    Performance reviews can be time consuming and stressful, but they shouldn’t be useless. If a performance review has these five components, it is more likely to produce positive results.

  2. Improving Workplace Culture – Infographic

    If you haven’t spent time thinking about your culture, you should. Workplace culture is one of the biggest determinants of productivity and team success. We created an infographic that highlights four ways that you can positively influence your workplace culture. Click or tap the picture below to view the infographic.

  3. Cultivating and Leading a Successful Investigative Team

    The most efficient teams have a common understanding of their goals and an environment where success is achieved and recognized. Click or tap the image below to see an infographic highlighting five ways to create that environment.