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case management software

Lottery Investigations Case Management Software

Lottery Commission

Your Whole Reputation Relies on the Credibility of the Games

When it comes to the lottery, almost all retailers and customers will be above board. Unfortunately, it only takes one scheme to be pulled off and made public for the credibility of the entire operation to be called into question.

If you are responsible for conducting investigations into tips and complaints related to the lottery in your state, you are almost always weighing speed versus comprehensiveness. You want to assess complaints quickly for their validity and stop fraud as fast as possible. But you also want to be sure you are being as thorough as you need to be to get to the very bottom of the situation.

Utilizing CMTS as your case management software will help your agency conduct the thorough, consistent and timely investigations that are so important to maintaining credibility. CMTS is configurable to your processes, so you can be sure the same steps are followed for every investigation. Automated notifications set up in CMTS will help you ensure that cases maintain their momentum. Idle-case tracking and other time-based notifications help you avoid long delays, while activity-based notifications help you manage team workflow.

With CMTS as your Lottery investigations case management software, you can track complaints by type (fraud, security, policy violation, etc.), as well as the disciplinary action that was taken (warning letter, suspension, criminal prosecution, etc.). Then you can easily prepare reports based on the information you are tracking, either by using the canned reports we can set up for you in the system, or by creating an ad-hoc report.

You can also easily use CMTS to track your field inspections of retail locations. Log all of the important information in the retail location’s file. Escalate any significant issues. All information will be easily searchable and able to be used in reports.

Of course, even with the most vigilant employees, your organization can only do so much to uncover malfeasance on your own. You need the complete cooperation from retailers and citizens to maintain the highest levels of integrity. To get it, you want to make it as easy as possible for citizens to submit their complaints. Our online intake service does just that. And even better, it will also make it very easy for you to process the complaint and start an investigation, or dismiss the complaint if it holds no water or is not within your purview.

Maybe most importantly, CMTS provides all of this functionality through an easy-to-use interface that is modern and intuitive.

Please explore the other benefits of case management software, as well as the robust features of CMTS.

If you are interested in Lottery investigations case management software to help you conduct thorough and timely investigations, we invite you to take a quick tour of our software, and to schedule a demo of CMTS by clicking on the button below.

Interested in a Demo?

CALL US 855-636-5361 or  REQUEST A DEMO