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case management software

Ombudsman Investigation Case Management System


A Powerful Tool for Ombudsman Offices

It can probably be said that no two Ombudsman offices are alike. They will be charged with different missions, they will cover different territories, they will work within a variety of government agencies and their enforcement powers may vary widely. However, regardless of all those things, any Ombudsman office that conducts investigations can benefit greatly from CMTS.

Conducting thorough, consistent, and timely investigations is extremely important for every investigative agency, but this is especially true for Ombudsmen. Many, if not all, Ombudsmen are charged with responding to and properly investigating citizen complaints. Public trust is critical and an Ombudsman must always be sure that their reputation is flawless. You cannot risk the perception of less-than-stellar investigative integrity.

With CMTS (Case Management and Tracking System) as your Ombudsman investigation case management system, you can minimize your risk of having something fall through the cracks and keep your reputation pristine. The CMTS notification system will help ensure that cases maintain their momentum. Idle-case tracking and other time-based notifications help you end unnecessary delays, while activity-based notifications help you manage team workflow.

You can view comprehensive case metrics easily on your configurable dashboard. You can also reduce reporting time with ad-hoc and predefined reports that you can access almost instantly.

And of course, you want to make it as easy as possible for citizens to submit their complaints. Our online intake service will not only make it easy for citizens to file complaints but also very easy for you to process the complaint and get the ball rolling on the investigation, or dismiss it if it is baseless or not within your purview.

CMTS provides all of this functionality through an easy-to-use interface that is configured to match the workflow of your specific agency. Your software will support your workflows, not slow them down.

Please explore other ways that CMTS will benefit you, as well as the robust features the software has to offer.

If you are interested in an Ombudsman investigation case management system to help you increase the impact of your office, we invite you to take a quick tour of our software and to schedule a demo of CMTS by clicking on the button below.

Interested in a Demo?

CALL US 855-636-5361 or  REQUEST A DEMO