Palm Beach Selects its First Inspector General

The Palm Beach Post released an article regarding the county’s first Inspector General.  Currently she is the IG of the Florida Department of Children & Families.  When being asked about how she is going to serve the county and help change its image of corruption:

“It’s about transparency,” she told the panel. “The more you give them, the more you show them, the more you can prove that you really are here to help. … Independence is really about someone not altering my work. It’s about someone not telling me what to do. It doesn’t mean I go out there and just run wild. It’s a partnership, with everyone here at the table, everyone in the community. It’s about building it together.”

To change Palm Beach County’s image, Ms. Steckler will have to surround herself with some of those experienced investigators and auditors who can resist political pressure. She requires her inspectors to sign an oath declaring no personal conflicts and holds them to a higher standard “because if we’re going to tell everybody else what to do, then we better more than follow the rules.”

To learn more about Sheryl Steckler and how she was inspired to be in this line of duty by a girl’s death, read another Post article.