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Government Investigative Agencies Blog

Category Archives: eBooks

  1. Building a Culture of Professional Development

    Building a Culture of Professional Development and Retention A career conducting government investigations is a challenging one, and if you aren’t moving forward, you’re moving backwards. Technology constantly enables new methods to commit and conceal corruption, theft, and fraud, and investigators need to stay on top of these changes in order to do their jobs…

  2. Cultivating and Leading a Successful Investigative Team

    The most efficient teams have a common understanding of their goals and an environment where success is achieved and recognized. Click or tap the image below to see an infographic highlighting five ways to create that environment.

  3. Keeping Morale High When Everyone Hates Your Team

    Agency Investigator – A Lonely Job The goal of investigators is to make life easier for the vast majority of honest staff in any agency, but people are nervous around them nonetheless. Because your office is charged with investigating the agency you are a part of, you are at best looked at warily by the…

  4. Turning Recommendations Into Results

    Why are great suggestions ignored? Among the biggest benefits an investigative office provides to both agencies and taxpayers are the list of recommendations they include in their findings. Some of these recommendations are monetary recommendations, while others are focused on improving the results of agency programs. These recommendations are quantifiable, specific, and many of them…

  5. High-Performing Teams

    Investigators face a difficult task. For each case they investigate, there’s always more evidence that could be pursued, more facts that could be gathered, or more people who could provide information about a suspect or a situation. At the same time, investigators want to discover all malfeasance, and to gather sufficient evidence for each case…

  6. How Investigative Teams Demonstrate Value

    Demonstrating the Value of Your Investigative Team Government agencies across the country, and certainly in the federal government, are finding themselves in extremely tumultuous times. The competition for funding and resources can be brutal and uncertainty seems to be everywhere. Regardless of whether you find yourself in a positive situation or at risk of underfunding,…

  7. Keeping Your Data Safe from Foreign Threats

    Some of the most significant recommendations made by government investigators and auditors in recent years have been focused on technology. Recently, the US Treasury’s Inspector General found that nearly two-thirds of its technology hardware was beyond its “useful lifespan.” Several months ago, the OIG of the Veterans Affairs office found that VA data is not…