CMTS 2024v2.2 is now available

New Functionality for Searching, and Ad Hoc Reporting

The Searching and Reporting pages have been updated for a new look and feel. Specifically, Advanced Search Criteria and Ad Hoc Report Fields have updated menus that allow for easier navigation. We appreciate all of the feedback from everybody who was able to join one of the preview demonstrations for the new Searching and Reporting areas!

New Look and Feel for the Retention Page

The Record Retention page has been updated for a new look and feel, keeping this page consistent with the other page updates.

Added Various Fields to V2 Notifications

Fields such as Other Investigators, as well as various Classification-based fields have been added as options for V2 notifications.

Added Option for No Specific Category Hierarchy

Now if value in a Specific Category field has no parent Category, it will still appear in the Specific dropdowns.

Added Admin Functionality

With the System Config Permission, a user can now delete Saved Ad Hoc Reports made by other users.

Bug Fixes

Bug fixes have gone out to improve the stability and performance of CMTS. These fixed bugs include:

  • NOTIF_REASSIGNED Notification Does Not Trigger
  • Disabled Person Types not showing on Ad Hoc Report options