CMTS Provides Benefits for Many Types of Investigative Agencies
CMTS (Case Management and Tracking System) was initially built for Offices of the Inspector General, but you certainly don’t have to be an OIG to receive great benefits from our case management and tracking system. Over 14 years we have greatly expanded our client base to include other categories of federal, state and local investigative agencies across the United States charged with investigating fraud, waste, abuse and criminal activity.
The easily-configurable nature of CMTS means that it can be an important tool in helping many types of government investigative agencies increase their efficiency and effectiveness by aligning their people, processes and policies. Of course, we understand that similar agencies may operate very differently at all levels of government, but these agencies are most often a good fit:
- Offices of Inspector General
- Ethics offices
- Ombudsmen offices
- City and County government agencies fighting fraud and waste
- Lottery Commissions
- State Attorney General
- Insurance and Securities Commissions
- State and Local Equal Opportunity Commissions
- Departments of Inspections
- State Comptrollers
- Certified Fraud Examiners
- Human Resources investigators
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Investigations (FCPA)
- Department of Health & Human Services
- Surveillance and Reutilization Review Section
- United Council of Welfare Fraud (UCOWF) members
- Those targeting Medicaid/Medicare Fraud
- DHS Auditors
CMTS may be the ideal solution if you are seeking:
- Investigative case management software
- Case reporting tool
- Complaint management system
- Complaint software
- Complaint tracking and reporting
- Document management system
- Evidence tracking
- Fraud complaint management system
- Investigative technology
- Legal management software
- Records management system
- Record tracking
It is important to note that CMTS is actively developed with updates and upgrades that occur at least twice a year. Many of our enhancements to CMTS have come from suggestions by our clients. We consistently ask our clients for feedback that will help us improve the software for everybody.
No matter what size your agency is, if you are looking to get the maximum return on your investment in case management software, contact us today!
If you’d like to see CMTS in operation first, we encourage you to watch one of our Quick Tour videos.